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Forced Marriage Orders

Kingdom Solicitors > Forced Marriage Orders

Forced Marriage Orders

Forced marriage is an abuse of human rights.No one should be forced into a marriage against their will. Forced marriage is when someone in your family or community makes you get married against your will, example-threaten to hurt  if you don’t go through with it, tell you that a relative is unwell and that if you don’t get married, their illness will get worse, say that if you don’t get married it will bring shame on your family.

Forced marriage is not same as an arranged marriage. In an arranged marriage, two families arrange for two people to meet and get to know each other. Whether or not they end up getting married is up to the couple. If you live in England or Wales and want to stop a forced marriage you can ask a court for a Forced Marriage Protection Order. The purpose of the forced Marriage protection Order is-stop a forced marriage from happening ,stop someone from being taken abroad ,get passports back, make someone say where they’re hiding someone else ,stop intimidation (bullying) or violence .

A Solicitor can help you to apply for a Forced Marriage Protection Order. It doesn’t matter if the marriage ceremony took place here or abroad, you can end a forced marriage legally in the UK .The most common way to do this is by getting an ‘annulment’. An annulment is when a court says that the marriage was never legal in the first place.
Sometimes it’s easier to end a forced marriage by getting a divorce. A solicitor will be able to tell you which way is best for you.


Our services







Key stages



  • Initial consultation
  • Taking your instructions and advising you accordingly
  • Preparing your Forced Marriage Protection order.
  • Representing you in the Court








The timescales to deal with a force marriage protection order will be different for each case. Howeverm a forced marraiger order, can be around in a few days,






Our fees





Forced marriage order fees